Super Auto Refresh Plus是一款自动重新加载和刷新网页的插件。
Super Auto Refresh Plus is the most user friendly auto refresh and auto reload website extension on the chrome web store market. Super Auto Refresh Plus helps you auto refresh and auto reload any pages and website with selected time interval in just one single click.
No setup required. Just try it out and you will know!Key features:
– Shows real-time countdown timer on extension icon
– Can bypass local cache (Ctrl+F5) and perform hard reload when refresh or reload the page and website
– Right-click context menu to quickly start to auto refresh and reload current page and website
– Remember your auto refresh and auto reload settings and will automatically start to refresh when Chrome first start up
Super Auto Refresh Plus v1.3.4
- Auto Refresh Plus 指定秒数后自动刷新和重新加载网页
- Easy Auto Refresh简易自动刷新
- Auto Refresh by dinaancevcenko简单的网页自动刷新插件
- Dictionariez 一个翻译插件 双击任何单词在弹出的气泡中立即显示含义
- Rofocus 屏蔽干扰 提高专注力和效率
- Video Downloader Plus by 无广告简单便捷的视频下载器
- Dashy 一个丰富的新标签页插件 集成了便捷小部件和生产力工具
- TabVertikal 在侧面板中垂直管理选项卡和选项卡组
- Vertical Tabs in Side Panel 侧边栏垂直标签页栏 在侧边栏管理标签网页
- Readline 给你带来沉浸式、无干扰的阅读体验
- Auto Refresh Plus 指定秒数后自动刷新和重新加载网页
- Easy Auto Refresh简易自动刷新
- Auto Refresh by dinaancevcenko简单的网页自动刷新插件
- Dictionariez 一个翻译插件 双击任何单词在弹出的气泡中立即显示含义
- Rofocus 屏蔽干扰 提高专注力和效率
- Video Downloader Plus by 无广告简单便捷的视频下载器
- Dashy 一个丰富的新标签页插件 集成了便捷小部件和生产力工具
- TabVertikal 在侧面板中垂直管理选项卡和选项卡组
- Vertical Tabs in Side Panel 侧边栏垂直标签页栏 在侧边栏管理标签网页
- Readline 给你带来沉浸式、无干扰的阅读体验