Measure Online Learning.
Make Better EdTech Decisions. Increase Reading Outcomes. Uncover Students’ Passions. Transform Online Learning.NEW FEATURES:
– Actively Read! highlight and annotate any web page.
– Click the Read Aloud button and Stackup will read the web page out load
– Stackup library filled with articles from across the web organized by subject and reading levelSchool Leaders use Stackup to measure how & where learning is happening on devices.
Teachers use Stackup to assign and measure online reading and learning in the classroom.
Students use Stackup to uncover interests & showcase the reading and learning they do online.Stackup’s patent pending AI technology tracks when students are actually reading and engaged online with high accuracy. Stackup also calculates the reading level and subject area of every webpage. Browse the web normally and Stackup knows when you are engaged in content.
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Stackup v4.0.4
Stackup v4.0.4-2020年12月19日版
- Flipgrid 浏览器端快速访问辅助插件
- Read&Write for Google Chrome™ 有助于英文阅读和写作的插件
- Highlighter 高亮突出显示网页中选定的文本 添加注释
- DocTrackr 跟踪和分析Google™文档的修订历史
- ProNoto 由GPT 4支持的终极AI工具 笔记、提词器、AI网络抓取
- FlowCrypt 保护谷歌上的电子邮件和附件
- Fleeting Notes 浏览器是快速、高效和安全记笔记的插件
- Translate 在侧面板中打开 Google/DeepL 翻译
- Google Translate – Side Panel 在侧面板中打开 Google 翻译 可以快速翻译所选单词
- Extensão do Mercado Turbo 直接在 Shopee 和 Mercado Livre 网站上查看成本、税收和贡献利润信息
- Flipgrid 浏览器端快速访问辅助插件
- Read&Write for Google Chrome™ 有助于英文阅读和写作的插件
- Highlighter 高亮突出显示网页中选定的文本 添加注释
- DocTrackr 跟踪和分析Google™文档的修订历史
- ProNoto 由GPT 4支持的终极AI工具 笔记、提词器、AI网络抓取
- FlowCrypt 保护谷歌上的电子邮件和附件
- Fleeting Notes 浏览器是快速、高效和安全记笔记的插件
- Translate 在侧面板中打开 Google/DeepL 翻译
- Google Translate – Side Panel 在侧面板中打开 Google 翻译 可以快速翻译所选单词
- Extensão do Mercado Turbo 直接在 Shopee 和 Mercado Livre 网站上查看成本、税收和贡献利润信息