PostureMinder是一个可以提醒你坐直、做眼保健操、喝水、起来上厕所的小插件,像我这样每天对着电脑一忙就是一天的人来说太实用了。跟Healthy Browsing类似。
Reminds you to sit up straight with pop-up notifications at specified time intervals.
Sitting up straight while at your desk can make a big difference to your posture and overall health.This simple, elegant extension is easily customizable. Set how often you’d like to see a PostureMinder, then sit back and let it do its work! Useful features include:
== Easy on/off ==
Turn off the extension so you don’t embarrass yourself during a presentation.== Smart hide ==
Detects if you have been idle/away from the computer and will not show reminders until you return. If your computer is locked, notifications will restart when you are active again.
PostureMinder v1.3.3
- Dictionariez 一个翻译插件 双击任何单词在弹出的气泡中立即显示含义
- Rofocus 屏蔽干扰 提高专注力和效率
- Video Downloader Plus by 无广告简单便捷的视频下载器
- Dashy 一个丰富的新标签页插件 集成了便捷小部件和生产力工具
- TabVertikal 在侧面板中垂直管理选项卡和选项卡组
- Vertical Tabs in Side Panel 侧边栏垂直标签页栏 在侧边栏管理标签网页
- Readline 给你带来沉浸式、无干扰的阅读体验
- Helperbird 提供阅读、写作和辅助 有沉浸式阅读功能
- Etsy Downloader 一键下载Etsy商品图片和视频到本地电脑
- Reopen closed tab 重新打开关闭的标签网页
- Dictionariez 一个翻译插件 双击任何单词在弹出的气泡中立即显示含义
- Rofocus 屏蔽干扰 提高专注力和效率
- Video Downloader Plus by 无广告简单便捷的视频下载器
- Dashy 一个丰富的新标签页插件 集成了便捷小部件和生产力工具
- TabVertikal 在侧面板中垂直管理选项卡和选项卡组
- Vertical Tabs in Side Panel 侧边栏垂直标签页栏 在侧边栏管理标签网页
- Readline 给你带来沉浸式、无干扰的阅读体验
- Helperbird 提供阅读、写作和辅助 有沉浸式阅读功能
- Etsy Downloader 一键下载Etsy商品图片和视频到本地电脑
- Reopen closed tab 重新打开关闭的标签网页