PageProbe 是一款网页内容监测工具,可以针对某个元素进行监测,比如常用的价格监测,粉丝数量,股票价格情况,帖子收到多少赞……
Create automatic monitors for detecting and scanning changes on web pages.
Why PageProbe?We believe that people want to save both time and money.
We believe there are several things people want to follow on regular basis such as:
– the current price of an expensive item (such as a television) that you would like to purchase so that you can find the lowest price and the best discount to save money
– the current price of a company X stock in the stock market to find out when it is time to buy or sell in order to optimize your profits
– the current price of an item in an online auction in order to bid at the last minute “just enough”
– the number of followers you have in your social media accounts
– the number of likes your social media post has received
– the status of your web application or related software builds
– the latest new post on forum Y
– the latest top article with a specific Twitter searchWe believe that people are evaluating the things they monitor based on certain conditions and when those conditions are met, they will take action. For example, the price of the television that you want will drop below certain price.
PageProbe v1.38.1
- Distill Web Monitor 跟踪网站变化 可短信邮件提醒
- Dictionariez 一个翻译插件 双击任何单词在弹出的气泡中立即显示含义
- Rofocus 屏蔽干扰 提高专注力和效率
- Video Downloader Plus by 无广告简单便捷的视频下载器
- Dashy 一个丰富的新标签页插件 集成了便捷小部件和生产力工具
- TabVertikal 在侧面板中垂直管理选项卡和选项卡组
- Vertical Tabs in Side Panel 侧边栏垂直标签页栏 在侧边栏管理标签网页
- Readline 给你带来沉浸式、无干扰的阅读体验
- Helperbird 提供阅读、写作和辅助 有沉浸式阅读功能
- Etsy Downloader 一键下载Etsy商品图片和视频到本地电脑
- Distill Web Monitor 跟踪网站变化 可短信邮件提醒
- Dictionariez 一个翻译插件 双击任何单词在弹出的气泡中立即显示含义
- Rofocus 屏蔽干扰 提高专注力和效率
- Video Downloader Plus by 无广告简单便捷的视频下载器
- Dashy 一个丰富的新标签页插件 集成了便捷小部件和生产力工具
- TabVertikal 在侧面板中垂直管理选项卡和选项卡组
- Vertical Tabs in Side Panel 侧边栏垂直标签页栏 在侧边栏管理标签网页
- Readline 给你带来沉浸式、无干扰的阅读体验
- Helperbird 提供阅读、写作和辅助 有沉浸式阅读功能
- Etsy Downloader 一键下载Etsy商品图片和视频到本地电脑