Page Ruler Redux这款插件设计师必备,可以直接查看网页一些图片的详细像素大小、具体位置等,非常实用。
A Web Developer\Designer ruler to get perfect pixel dimensions and positioning to measure elements on any web page. 💻
Page Ruler Redux is a core web developer and designer tool, that allows you to get pixel perfect measurements of web elements for website front-end development, web design or any task you may need to get perfect pixel measurements of any web elements. 📏
Page Ruler Redux v1.2.0
- CSS Scan 快速查看及复制网页元素的CSS
- BrowserStack 在浏览器测试网页
- Measuremate 测量网页元素之间距离
- Resource Override 前端调试工具 可以重定向特定的url地址
- Clear Cache 一键清理浏览器缓存数据
- Code Cola 可视化编辑在线页面css样式
- Smart Page Ruler 智能网页页面标尺
- Baseliner 在网页上添加网格线(前端工具)
- Tape测量网页像素值的网站前端设计工具
- Shopify Theme Inspector for Chrome Shopify 模板主题调试工具