Email This是一款阅读或者分享的辅助插件,它可以将无广告文章和网页保存到您的电子邮件收件箱中,以便以后阅读。
试想我们经常有这样的情况,当找到一篇很好的文章,但现在没时间读吗?Email This 可以实现,Email This 可以删除网页上的广告、干扰和粗制滥造的边栏,并将页面清理干净、可读的视图发送到您的电子邮件收件箱。你可以打开你的电子邮件收件箱,随时阅读你保存的文章。
Save ad-free articles and web pages to your email inbox for later reading.
Found a great article but don’t have time to read it now? Save the web page to your email and read it later.
Email This removes ads, distractions and crufty sidebars from a web page and sends a cleaned-up, readable view of the page to your email inbox. You can then open up your email inbox and read your saved articles whenever you want.Email This is a simpler alternative to bookmarking and “read later” tools like Pocket, Instapaper & Readability. There is no need to signup for a new service or install any additional applications to read your saved bookmarks. You can even access your saved bookmarks offline on your mobile phones and tablets.
Benefits & features
* Save any web page or article with one-click
* Save the current page with a keyboard shortcut
* [NEW] Add notes and keywords to your saved pages. This helps you search for your content faster.
* [NEW] Include PDF snapshot of all web pages
* [NEW] PDF files, images, DOCX, PPTs and Excel sheets will be automatically downloaded and sent as email attachments.
* Right-click and save links without opening them. We will open up that link, extract useful content from it and send you an email with its contents.
* [NEW] From your mobile devices (both Android or iOS) use the share menu and send a link to EmailThis will reply with the contents of that page.
* Automatically adds a bookmarklet that lets you save pages from mobile and tablet devices (Chrome for Android, iPhone, iPad etc).
* Completely free to use.
Email This v2.6.2
- SubReader 朗读流媒体视频的字幕
- Fika 类似Kindle的网页阅读体验
- Capti Voice 可以听读网页文章、文档、书籍的插件
- Spreed – speed read the web 网页快速阅读插件
- Dictionariez 一个翻译插件 双击任何单词在弹出的气泡中立即显示含义
- Rofocus 屏蔽干扰 提高专注力和效率
- Video Downloader Plus by 无广告简单便捷的视频下载器
- Dashy 一个丰富的新标签页插件 集成了便捷小部件和生产力工具
- TabVertikal 在侧面板中垂直管理选项卡和选项卡组
- Vertical Tabs in Side Panel 侧边栏垂直标签页栏 在侧边栏管理标签网页
- SubReader 朗读流媒体视频的字幕
- Fika 类似Kindle的网页阅读体验
- Capti Voice 可以听读网页文章、文档、书籍的插件
- Spreed – speed read the web 网页快速阅读插件
- Dictionariez 一个翻译插件 双击任何单词在弹出的气泡中立即显示含义
- Rofocus 屏蔽干扰 提高专注力和效率
- Video Downloader Plus by 无广告简单便捷的视频下载器
- Dashy 一个丰富的新标签页插件 集成了便捷小部件和生产力工具
- TabVertikal 在侧面板中垂直管理选项卡和选项卡组
- Vertical Tabs in Side Panel 侧边栏垂直标签页栏 在侧边栏管理标签网页